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About the Platform:

Completely Digital: Media Literacy

What is it?

This Web-Based Learning Tool seeks to fulfill the Overall and Specific Expectations for Media Literacy, set out by the Ontario Curriculum for Language, for grade 7 students. The Media Literacy strand has four overall expectations, each of which are addressed through the four corresponding strands in this tool. Within each strand, the activities each correspond to a specific expectation.


How do I use it?

Educators: Use this tool to supplement Media Literacy in your class, while also integrating technology and digital learning. Have your students complete the "Pre-Training" steps before completing the activities. While it is recommended to complete the activities in order, you can also pick and choose which ones you would like to have your students complete.  

Students: In each activity, you'll notice there are three steps. To complete an entire activity, you must complete the three steps. First, you must learn the lesson, then you will practice the content, and then show your understanding in your portfolio.


Why is it important?

Better understanding media literacy will allow you to be an informed consumer of the information around you. The world we live in is full of media and thinking critically about all this information can be helpful in making informed thoughts and decisions, both as media interpreters and creators. 


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